After having had to suffer many disappointments in the last few days-all baking related mind you, not the end of the world...but for me I felt like it was. It started with the carrot cupcakes, which I made into cake...balls, there I said it, balls!!! Anyway...yesterday evening, I remade the carrot cupcakes, and they came out wonderfully. I had looked at a new way to pipe flowers on the internet and was very excited to try it out, but my cream cheese frosting melted. So I didn't take pictures of that either. And today, I wanted to make coconut cupcakes with a chocolate buttercream/ganache, and well, the frosting didn't work out again, so I went with a normal buttercream, which I wanted to make extra special with a colour effect...that didn't work out either, but the result was still somewhat cute. So I made some fondant decos to go with that I found on someone else's blog, who has way more talent than me...but I am a good copier... So there you have today's half successful coconut mini cupcakes with vanilla buttercream, and fondant accents...what do you think? Good save? Oh yes, I forgot to say, I was able to make a tiny fondant rabbit. First time it actually comes out ok!! Sometimes some things do work!!! Even if his eyes are a bit off...

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