On the left-Martha Stewart Recipe, on the right-my changes... |
Ok, so I have coerced myself into putting the red velvet cupcake on my future site's menu...why? Not because the red velvet is known here, it isn't, but because lots of rich americans live here, and maybe they want to get the red velvet cupcake...you know? But can I tell you something in secret? I HATE THE RED VELVET CUPCAKE!!!!!! I think it's not chocolatey enough to be a good devil's food, and it doesn't have a distinct enough taste for it to be special. Apart from it being red and requiring a cream cheese topping, I don't see the point of it. So I am in a battle right now, to find the proper recipe. I have all of my other cc recipes ready, this is the only one, and what do you do when you don't even like something and you have to make the best version of it??? Tomorrow a friend will be taste testing them. My husband will as well-but as soon as there is a sweet topping, he doesn't care about the cake! But I say, cake is the make or break of my future site-that's where I can get the customers!!! My own opinion is that the Martha Stewart recipe tastes like nothing, and is too weak in colour. Mine tastes better, but does it taste like a red velvet???? I don't know!!!! By the way, for those of you wondering why I always make the same flowers : it's my way of testing frosting consistencies. Finally this cream cheese frosting works-but is very very sweet-so I still don't know...Anyway, any thoughts? By the way, have used vinegar in both-so I am fearless about the ingredients now!!! So any suggestion would be nice! Thank you!!!
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